Monday 25 June 2007

Slow moving

Today was quite annoying as we could not keep going with filming of the documentary because of the weather! As we want the documentary to show the best of the school...we decided that it would be best to film when the weather was better!
This quite annoying as it means not being able to carry on with production and as we under a time restriction to do it we want to keep the production going.
Hopefully the weather will be better for next time!

Getting going

Today we started the first part of filming our Documentary for Ringwood School. Firstly, we deecided that we would get 2 pupils views of the school and the 6th form...Hannah and Lucy were very useful and their views about the school would be useful to use within the documentary!
During the second part of our double media lesson we drew up a storyboard as to what the rough plan of our documentary was and how we would go about filming. This gave us a chance to discuss finer points of the documentary and specific shots and camera angles we would use throughout.
Also we came up with specific ideas that would make our documentary differ from other groups documentarys and hopefully help us win! Our first idea was: make signs that would have 'Welcome to Ringwood School' in different languages which would be held up by different students of different agesand this would emphasise the idea that our school is a language college!
As we were putting together the ideas, different things that we had forgotten started to be remembered, such as departments within the school we needed to film and lessons that would promote our school in the best possible way!
A BIG thing we realisedwould really be important in our documentary was the voice of the people!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2007

First Ideas

We were given the task of creating a documentary about Ringwood School which would be shown to perspective parents of children who are wanting to start their education at the school!
Firstly we decided on a name for our group, which we all agreed would be Eclipse Media.
We also decided that we would assign each person within the group to a post so that we could each concentrate on playing a part within the film and so that the making was as organised as possible. This is what we decided:
Researchers/blog writers - Jess
Scriptwriters/ Storyboard artists - Dan & India
Directors - Sian & Helen
Cameramen - Sian & Hannah
Reporters/Presenters/Voice overs - India & Hannah & Helen
Editors - Hannah & Jess
We began to decide on rough ideas as to what we wanted to include within the documentary and what parts of the school we would include, who we would include and how we were going to structure the documentary.
Firstly, we came up with places around the school that we like to film, such as; history department, tutor groups & their assemblys, Arts, drama, music, science, technology and the eco-schools group. There was also the idea that we would use footage from the school sports day but we do not know whether the footage will be ready for the deadline so there is still a ? for this idea.
Techniques that we decided would be good and create effects within the documentary were fast paced shots so the viewer is kept interested, the voice of a new student who would take of their experience joining the school. Also, we decided that we would get the opinions of both students and staff within Ringwood School.